Karma. If only it was so simple. If when we enact an intention, it came back to us as ‘instant karma,’ we might have a deeper reverence for it. Yet, karma is a more complex force. The truth is that the law of cause and effect doesn’t always reveal itself in a snapshot of life. Rather, karma unfolds over time, like an epic film, through lifetimes, generations and the millennia of existence, to be witnessed by a timeless intelligence that we each, if we are lucky, can begin to scratch the surface of understanding.

So why is it so important?

Buddhists and Hindus acknowledge the existence of past lives, and that the sum of our intent, deeds and actions are expressed from lifetime to lifetime. If when dealing with our own inner turmoil of our life and our existence, we can learn to see and play the long game of karma, we open ourselves to a world of more balanced suffering. That is, only suffering what is necessary and leaving the rest to be processed and metabolized in a more sacred connection to ourselves, and the mystery. This relationship to our karma can deepen our faith, our trust, and transform our perceptions by opening us to a love known only to the few who risk feeling and owning all of their consciousness.

Ancestral patterns are ways in which our karma is expressed and handed down through what I would call a blood lineage, or through our ancestors. These kinds of patterns can be differentiated from, as opposed to metabolized, because they are not ours.

Since an ancestral pattern, often seeded with some un-dealt trauma of the past, does not belong to us and came before us, we cannot process or metabolize it as our own. We can, however, explore the nature of where it began, how it has been carried, and how it serves us. Ultimately, we move into a level appreciation for the past, and our sacred duty of potentiating our souls through whatever ancestral curriculum we are tasked with honoring and learning from.

These patterns when left unconscious are quite challenging. You can find that you’re repeating painful experiences that limit the full expression and fulfillment of your soul, yet you haven’t a clue why it’s happening or how to change it . The good news is, you can learn to ask the right questions. As you understand what came before you, you can differentiate these patterns and include their energies, putting them back where they belong. This inclusivity allows the energies to be seen and heard, so you can move forward and allow the past to be the past.

Karmic patterns that belong to our individual souls require our own metabolic or transmutative process to complete. This is our material that could be from something capitulated in this lifetime or recapitulated from a previous lifetime. It’s powerful to know the difference in these places and how they interplay in your being and consciousness. You can move through them with more faith and ease when you come to understand that there is a process and approach that works for each person to complete their karmic lessons, whether ancestral or personal, and to fulfill the soul’s journey from a place of peace and grace.

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