Working with Plant Medicines

Plant-Medicines-webMedicinal plants have been used for thousands of years for healing by ancient people all over this planet.  In these indigenous cultures, illness was and is not the only reason for using these powerful tools. Many practiced their connection to nature, to their ancestors and their own Spirit through ceremony with plants. These rituals like so many of their ways were vital to their daily lives, and living in harmony with Nature and Creation.

Plant medicines have an incredible capacity to expand one’s state of consciousness, which can have profound benefits for a person. Essentially in ceremony, a person is being inducted into ever deepening realms of consciousness.  For someone with deeply rigid or stuck patterns, it can be incredibly beneficial with the right guidance, container and integration.

I offer support in the form of whole being integration work for those who have chosen this path.  It can be a daunting and confusing journey understanding the realms of consciousness and how to integrate the openings and dissolutions that occur during ceremony.  Often in our culture, western shamanic practitioners fail to recognize the importance of integration work, and lack the skills and resources to contain a person in this phase of their process. Western culture does not avail itself to such huge shifts, because our world is aligned with egoic striving and the individual as identity. This is the antithesis of indigenous philosophies.  This is not a criticism of our culture, yet as westerners we require a way of embodying our new awareness. I also help clear any contracts, un-wanted energies, and close any portals or tears that may have been opened.


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