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Start Here: The Embodiment Process Meditation

Practice this 9 minute meditation 2x a day to:

Regulate Your Nervous System

Ease Anxiety

Cultivate Emotional Resilience

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Slowing Down a Racing Mind

Listen to this 3 minute audio to learn a helpful tip from Angelica about how to slow down a racing mind.

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Naming Sensations, Becoming Present

Listen to this 3 minute audio and learn another helpful tip for naming your experiences and making contact with yourself and more Present.

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Embodiment for a Meaningful Life

Listen to this 3 minute audio for a deeper insight into the significance of embodiment for your overall health and the meaning it brings to your relationships.

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Slowing Down, Stillness, and Intimacy

In this 1 hour audio file Angelica discusses slowing down, stillness, and intimacy.

It seems everything around us – that is the technological world, the material plane, the social media collective wants us to speed up. It’s a daunting idea- slowing down. Some people don’t even know what slowing down means.

Does it mean meditation? Does it mean that part of the yoga class at the end, when I’ve exhausted myself so much that I am compelled to collapse?

Real slowing down is cultivated over time, like a meditation practice. It requires the inner craving for peace, or stillness, often because we have known suffering.

Embodying Self Compassion

In this 1 hour audio file Angelica discusses the process of embodying self-compassion.

It is possible witness our pain without judgement? Can we observe our thoughts no matter how dark without pushing them away or having an opinion? Can we honor the mind’s way of swimming in waters familiar and unfamiliar? How do we understand and bring mercy and tenderness to a part that we ourselves feel guilt or shame for having? Dark or obsessive thoughts, “strange” habits, resentments, loathing.

With a deeper exploration and a practice of Presence, we can metabolize anything that is not of our deepest authentic nature. And we can learn to immerse ourselves in the deeper waters of the unknown mystery without being devoured by powerlessness and chaos.

Tension Fields, Double Binds and Positive & Negative Projections

In this 1 hour audio file Angelica discusses Tension Fields, Double Binds and Positive & Negative Projections.

The process of embodiment is not always an easy path, nor is it a clear one. In fact by design we will find ourselves in layers of tension fields. Because just like going to the gym, we need resistance to grow. Life also and always provides resistance for our growth.

In this talk Angelica explains tension fields, double binds, and positive & negative projections. She gives us tools and inquiries for leveraging these forms of resistance in ways that serve us on our path of Embodied Transformation.

The Deep: A Meditation for Anxiety and Fear

Practice this 9 minute meditation 2x a day to:

Connect with Yourself

Overcome overwhelm and being unsettled

Live more fully and freely

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