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Can you describe what happens during an Embodiment Process session?

At the start of an Embodiment Process session, Angelica will ask you questions to get a sense of your intention and the issues or areas you would like to explore. You’ll discuss the answers you provided on your in-take form, as well as anything else that is present for you at the time.

Angelica is uniquely skilled at perceiving the roots of longstanding patterns and the energies and archetypes associated with them, both lineage-related and karmic. During the session, she will help you to become aware of and come into an embodied experience of the energies and patterns that are present within you.

She does a thorough assessment of ancestral patterning and inherited family trauma. In doing so, Angelica will help you to differentiate from personal and collective blocks associated with your lineage. In addition, some issues that are present are karmic and not connected to your lineage. She will also identify these and support your clearing of them.

As the session comes to a close, Angelica will provide tools and resources to utilize afterwards, so that you are empowered to continue the work on your own. Should you choose to work with Angelica regularly, she will continue the process of helping you develop new strategies and neural pathways to lead a more embodied life.

What is the difference between an in-person Embodiment Process session and a Skype Embodiment Process session?

While the experience of in-person Embodiment Process session is different from a Skype session, Skype sessions are equally as valuable. In-person, you will take part in the initial exploratory conversation described above and during most, but not all sessions, you will be lie on a table for clearing energies. Note: this not massage therapy. At this time, she may also place crystals on or around your body to aid in the healing process. During a Skype session you will have that same exploratory conversation, after which she will do clearing work and guide you through a therapeutic process.

How many sessions are needed?

How many sessions are needed is an individual choice. You will get a tremendous amount out of just one session. Angelica has many clients who see her on a regular basis, where she facilitates them in developing more tools, resources and healthy strategies, including establishing new neural pathways. This is an extremely beneficial approach for those who would like the ongoing support and may be appropriate for you, depending on your circumstances. Some clients prefer to check-in with her from time-to-time. It really depends on what type of support you are looking for.

How does Angelica use crystals in her sessions?

Crystals are incredible healing tools. They work with the body’s electrical system and can help to regulate, clear and transmute energies. During an in-person session, Angelica may place crystals on your body, around your body or use crystal instruments, such as wands, to clear or remove unwanted energies from your field.

Whether you work with Angelica in-person or via Skype, she may recommend specific crystals for you to work with at home to further your healing process. If you’re interested in this aspect, crystals are available for purchase on our website and during an in-person session.

Does Angelica practice hypnosis or past life regressions?

While Angelica does not practice hypnosis or past life regressions, her work does delve into past life occurrences. She focuses on clearing energies associated with past lives, as well as the unconscious and subconscious patterning that often underlies your current circumstances.

Why do I need to fill out an intake form?

As a first time client, you are coming to Angelica with a very specific and rich personal history. This history includes your family of origin, your birth experience, the loss of loved ones, illnesses, accidents or traumatic events you may have experienced, as well as any major transitions you may currently be experiencing. The intake form provides Angelica with insight into your particular, individual circumstances prior to your meeting with her, so that more of your in-person or Skype time may be utilized for the deeper therapeutic process. The intake form is online and goes directly to Angelica; only she will see it. The information you provide on the intake form is kept strictly confidential.

What is the cost of a session and how can I pay?

Angelica’s fee is $300/hour
$450/90 minutes

Initial Sessions are 60-90 minutes in length and may shift to one hour after the first session, depending on the client’s circumstances. Initial Zoom and subsequent Zoom sessions are one hour, as there is no “table time.”

The hourly rate is fixed, and there is no sliding scale available at this time. Payment of the full session is required when the appointment is made. Payment is confirmation of session. There is a 48 hour rescheduling/cancellation fee.

Angelica has trained several excellent practitioners whose fee structures are different. Should you be interested in pursuing alternatives, you’ll find these listed on the “Find a practitioner page” of our website. On our site, you will also find free online resources (guided meditations, talks, articles), as well as information regarding introductory workshops available throughout the year for a nominal fee.

Does Angelica accept insurance?

We do not accept insurance. However, we can create a super bill, which you can submit to your insurance company. Reimbursement will be dependent on your individual policy. Please contact your insurance agency prior to booking your time with Angelica.

I live outside of the Los Angeles area; does Angelica know of anyone doing this type of work in other states/cities?

Angelica created the Embodiment Process over many years through her own healing experience and her training. In that time, she also developed practitioner certification training and has certified several professionals around the country. You will find a list of the certified Embodiment Process practitioners on the “Find a practitioner page” of our website. This list will continue to grow, as she offers certification training on a yearly basis.

In addition, an online course is offered and can be found on “The Embodiment Process Online Course page” of our website.

What are the Embodiment Process Workshops like?

The Embodiment Process Workshop is a transformative experience. Groups of up to seven individuals gather for this intensive, three-day workshop. Over the course of the three days, each participant has the opportunity to “take a turn,” during which she or he will explore a soul-based intention for personal healing. Lasting one to two hours, each individual’s turn is facilitated by Angelica and supported by the group. The nature of the transformation is different for every person, but it is profound. The day after your turn, you will receive a debrief from Angelica and the rest of the group to further enhance your understanding of what took place and how to incorporate this newfound knowledge and embodied experience as you return to your daily life.

In addition, you may find that your participation in the sessions of the other attendees continues to provide personal insight and healing. The safety created and held by Angelica, and by extension the whole group, allows for a level of intimacy and sacredness beyond which you’ll likely never have experienced before.

Does Angelica offer in-person sessions and/or Embodiment Process Workshops in my area?

At this time, Angelica only offers in-person sessions in the Los Angeles area and in New York City. Check the website for NYC dates. Skype sessions are available always and Angelica works regularly with clients internationally via Skype.

Embodiment Process Workshops are currently held in the Los Angeles area. If you live outside the area and are not able to make the trip to attend a workshop, you can organize an Embodiment Process Workshop in your local area. A minimum of seven participants is required. If this is of interest, please contact us to discuss fees, available dates and other requirements.

We are planning a workshop for the New York City area in late August / early September of 2017. Space is limited to seven participants. Please check back for details. *Note, a pre-requisite for participation in the Embodiment Process Workshop is one Skype session or in person session with Angelica to see if this work is a fit.

Some Helpful Information

If you’ve not yet read Monique Barry’s piece titled “The Inheritance” in O, The Oprah Magazine, you’ll find the full article here. It provides a compelling and informative introduction to the Embodiment Process.

To stay up-to-date regarding new resources, upcoming workshops, the online course and other Embodiment Process news, subscribe to my newsletter below:

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