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2024 BCNU Nurses Union DEI workshops, Emily Carr University Workshops & Ongoing BCNU teaching and education, as well as EYC Mentorship program

2023 Practice openings at UPMC Integrative Medical Center & Private Practice Office in Bradford Woods, Wexford, PA

2022 EYC Contract with BCNU (Nurses’ Union contract for Teaching and Leading Workshops and Courses in Trauma-Informed Practice and Embodiment Process.

2021 Launching content subscription platform for EYC

2020 EYC develops, and leads programs, workshops and course work for university faculty, students, administrators, DEI & other leadership teams

2020 Co-Founded Embodying Your Curriculum (EYC) with Dr. Anita Chari PhD.

2019 Created and launched a new online course, The Deep: How to Transform & Complete Patterns of Anxiety & Fear

2018 Introducing The Embodiment Process Foundation™ 1 Self-Guided Course

2016 Ongoing TEP Trainings 2 groups

2015 Developed and launched The Embodiment Process™ Foundation 1 Facilitated Course 4 year course for practitioners (ongoing)

2014 Launched Embodiment and Wellness Classes and Lectures at UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California

2013 Continued Lecture and Education Series on Wellness & Healing, Space, & Embodiment, Los Angeles, California

2012 Research Consultant & Presenter Gensler Inc., Los Angeles, California

2012 Began leading Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy lectures and workshops for practitioners (ongoing)

2012 Taught Intro to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as well as The Numinous Body, a Transformational Salon. Launched Mind Body Education Lectures, Los Angeles, California

2010 Established The Center for Somatic Therapies as the home of The Ocean Inside Private Practice in Los Angeles, CA

2010 Assisted at Colorado School of Energy Studies Foundational Biodynamic Craniosacral Training in Boulder, Colorado

2009 Opened A Song in My Heart Boutique Sanctuary and The Center for Somatic Therapies, Co-Owner, Santa Monica, CA

2009 Graduated from Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training in Boulder, Colorado

2007 Launched The Embodiment Process™ 4-Day Workshop (ongoing)

2007 Opened “A Song in My Heart” retail clothing and jewelry business in Santa Monica, California

2007 Completed Castellino Foundational Pre and Perinatal Birth Trauma Training in Santa Barbara, California

2006 Participated in Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing Training, San Diego, California

2004 Graduated with a Master’s Degree, MA in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, Santa Monica, California

2002 Participated in the Milne Institute Craniosacral Therapy Training, Santa Monica, California

2002 Completed Forrest Yoga School Teacher Training, Santa Monica, California

2001 Opened The Ocean Inside INC. Private Healing Practice, Santa Monica, California

2001 Received a Tao Healing Arts Massage School Diploma LMT, Santa Monica, California

2001 Freelance Producer, editor and writer for print and online health publications including Disney

1999 Discovery Channel Networks: Online Marketing Coordinator, Century City, California

1998 National Geographic Internship, Studio City, California

1998 Graduated Magna Cum Laude with Bachelor of Arts in English from UCLA, Los Angeles, California

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