Corporate Wellness Consulting

Many of the challenges in today’s world show up for people at their places of work. The opportunity before us all becomes, “How can we, as human beings living on planet Earth, be sustainable and healthy in our body’s and minds while in the workplace?”

My approach to this problem is holistic. It focuses on individual empowerment and leadership from the inside out.

My focus is twofold:

1. To support individuals to manage their own personal wellness, as well as manage their careers with purpose and passion.

2. To help create a workplace environment that supports individual empowerment and corporate success.


Total Wellness And Leadership Training

To this end I provide Total Wellness and Leadership programs designed to foster personal empowerment and corporate wellness.

The programs are custom-tailored. I strive to serve the needs of the corporation or business as a whole as well as what will best serve the executives and employees.

Some of the areas of training include:

  • Self-regulation tools and communication skills to facilitate conscious relationships in the workplace and personal well-being
  • Relationship repair and resolution departmentally and within the leadership body of the corporation
  • Finding a sense of purpose, passion and service for life
  • Leadership skills empowered through curiosity and learning
  • Healthy habits and wellness strategies for optimal performance at work and home
  • Effective tools for collaboration, inspiration, and teamwork

My strategies have been developed over many years of working with top executives and individuals at all levels of the corporate spectrum.



If you have questions about Corporate Wellness Consulting, or would like to schedule and initial consultation, click here.

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